Wednesday, May 1News For London

Tag: Conservative

Londoners react to Trump’s ban

Londoners react to Trump’s ban

Explainers, Politics
The decision to ban the entry of citizens from seven Islamic-majority nations into the US by President Donald Trump has caused anger within PM Theresa May's party. Although Ms May was the first foreign premier to secure a visit to the White House, the PM was criticised for failing to condemn the ban during her meeting with Trump. The Independent had also highlighted the insignificance of Ms May's visit who failed to make frontpage headlines in the US. The Prime Minister had recently returned from a two-day visit to the US. Iraqi-born Conservative MP Nadhim Zahawi was vocal about the decision: I'm a British citizen & so proud to have been welcomed to this country. Sad to hear I'll be banned from the USA based on my country of birth — Nadhim Zahawi (@nadhimzahawi) January 28
Housing Bill said to increase number of homeless in London

Housing Bill said to increase number of homeless in London

News, Politics
Londoners face the risk of losing their homes if the new Housing and Planning Bill is passed, the Lambeth Housing Activists warned hundreds of protestors on Saturday. The march against the new bill and the damage it may bring upon Londoners, began in the borough of Lambeth and ended outside 10 Downing Street on Saturday 30 January. Through the new Housing bill recently discussed in the Parliament, the government aims to increase home owners by privatising the sector. Leaders of the Green Party and Revolutionary Communists were present at the rally organised by the Lambeth Housing Activists, as well as some Labour and LibDem members. Crowd gathering at Imperial War Museum for march against dreadful #HousingBill This pretty much sums it up... — Helen