Friday, May 3News For London

Ice Watch London: Confronting climate change with melting icebergs

London to get colder as huge blocks of glacial ice arrives along the bank side as a part of an art installation to display the effects of climate change. 

Olafur Eliasson, Icelandic-Danish artist known for his sculptures and large-scale art installations along with leading geologist Minik Rosing, is bringing 24 giant blocks of ice as a part of an ice-watch installation at Tate Modern, London. The installation, which follows its iterations in Copenhagen and Paris, will serve as a primary reminder of the impact of climate change on the world at large.

The Ice Watch in London will begin on December 11, paralleling the COP24 Climate Change Conference in Poland that talks about the negative effects of climate change on our planet and the limited time we have left to get it under control. Massive blocks of ice are believed to be taken out of Nuup Kangerlua in Greenland where they were broken off an ice sheet which is melting into the ocean at a very fast pace, according to the scientists.

Young Londoners have a mixed opinion about this art installation conveying the reality of climate change to a global public by placing blocks of melting glacial ice in the city. While some think it is a very interesting way of demonstrating a vital topic, others feel it is bit pointless and vague.

BA Contemporary Media Practices student, Silvia Dragoni, says that it is a good way to attract public attention. “I think this is a very good way to demonstrate things and attract media attention. Climate is changing at an alarming rate and if everyone contributed by doing small things, world would be a better place.”

“It is quite cool but I think a bit pointless as it doesn’t serve any purpose,” says Hianna Popat, BA Fashion Promotion student at University of Westminster

Agreeing with Hianna, Amelia Gergas says that while displaying huge blocks of ice is a good way to promote awareness, it doesn’t help in resolving the targeted issue of climate change.

Gergas, BA Fashion Promotion student at University of Westminster, said: “Rather than just displaying chunks of melting glaciers, if any incentives about raising money to help or any contributions will be done, I think that will be better.”

Talking about getting involved and doing something to bring a change, Edward Carey, MA Documentary Photography student at University of Westminster, said: “I hope that this event makes a change. By displaying the melting ice, a clear message will be sent and it will definitely start a conversation. The best way to make a difference is by getting involved with any organization, activist groups and doing every bit of what we can – recycling, using public transport, etc. Climate change is something we keep forgetting about and such an activity will put it back in the narrative.”